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It only takes a few minutes to fill out an incident report regarding governmental waste, fraud, or abuse.

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Simply tell us who, what, when, and where and we’ll investigate the rest.

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A Project of the Texas Freedom Caucus

Texas Accountability Project

Investigating waste, fraud, and abuse in Texas government with the goal of rooting out unnecessary and inefficient spending to keep more money in the hands of taxpayers. 

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Just Report Suspected Waste-We'll Do the Rest!

Here's how it works:

  1. You, citizens of Texas, report suspected fraud, waste, or abuse through our reporting portal on this website.

  2. We compile your data and properly investigate using legislative research and inquiries into the Texas Wastebook, a biennial publication highlighting some of the more egregious aspects of waste at the state government level.

  3. We distribute the Texas Wastebook to grassroots organizations across the state and to our colleagues in the Legislature and their staff to bring awareness to the areas on which we must prioritize.

  4. The Legislature passes a slimmer budget, well within the means of the average Texan's ability to pay and one that mirrors the same decline seen in businesses across the state due to the economic downtown.

  5. State government prioritizes more effectively, leaving more resources available to the areas in the budget that the state must focus most on.

  6. A lesser budget translates to a lesser tax burden on citizens, bringing the initial action of reporting waste, fraud, or abuse full circle and leaving more money in your pocket.

All you have to do is report it. After all, it's your government, and it's your money.

If you know of any instances of waste, fraud, or abuse of taxpayer dollars, please report it by clicking here so we can investigate!

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